Asu mobility: call for applications (08)

Title: Junior research stay

Institution: Catholic University Leuven

Location: Leuven, Belgium

Closing date: 31.5.2022

Contact: Brankica Kubátová

Job announcement text:

The Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ASU) invites applications for a 5-month collaborative stay of a junior researcher at the Catholic University Leuven, Belgium. The stay will be funded through a working agreement in the framework of the project “Support of international collaboration in astronomy”, which is provided by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.  The applicant should be a junior researcher or a Ph.D. student in the institution in the Czech Republic, and should have experience in the field of processing spectroscopic data. The stay is expected to start in July 2022.

The collaboration will be on the topic of "Radiative Transfer Modelling of the Winds of Massive Stars" focusing on a development of a NLTE branch of the 3-D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code developed at the Astronomical Institute of the ASCR. The code will be able to deal with different types of inhomogeneities and asymmetries in stellar winds and outflows. The output of the code will be full synthetic spectrum which will be compared with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations obtained in the frame of ULLYSES project together with XSHOOTER observations obtained with ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT). The method of radiative transfer which will be implemented in the code will enable better understanding of wind inhomogeneities and more reliable determination of mass-loss rates.

To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, diploma or confirmation of the PhD study and recommendation of the supervisor to the following address:

to: brankica.kubatova (at)
subject: “Mobility 2022 – 3D Radiative transfer”
cc: markova (at)